Partnership in staff development: A school-institute project in Shanghai and Hong Kong
- Partnership in staff development: A school-institute project in Shanghai and Hong Kong
- Partnership and change: Toward school development
- Hong Kong
- The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research
- 2004
- Hong Kong
- Shanghai
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- The importance of school-institute partnerships for professional development is widely acknowledged by many studies. Through partnership, tertiary institutions can gain access to schools’ teaching practices, while schools can gain new ideas and knowledge. Such collaboration not only ensures teacher development but also makes action research feasible, which in turn promotes teaching and learning effectiveness in schools. The resultant school improvement is notable in the achievement of high quality education in Hong Kong. This chapter describes the successful experience of building a professional partnership in staff development between The Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Shanghai School for the Blind. Although there are dissimilarities in terms of vision, mission and target students between the two partners, the collaborative arrangement was found to be workable as a result of the explicit aims and shared goals. The experience gained in the partnership was meaningful and productive. Sharing responsibilities between partners not only minimized misunderstandings but also maximized the sense of involvement and contribution of the partners. The conclusion highlights the essential elements of a successful partnership, that is, mutuality, trust and reciprocal benefit (Anderson & Cheung, 1999; Fullan, Erskine-Cullen, & Watson, 1995; Goodlad, 1985; Osguthorpe, Harris, Black, Cutler, & Harris, 1995).[Copyright © 2004 The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research.]
- 英文
- 章節
- 962996113X
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/61f0c2e7
- 2015-05-18
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