Music education and the review of early childhood education in Hong Kong: Professional development needs of early childhood teachers.
- Music education and the review of early childhood education in Hong Kong: Professional development needs of early childhood teachers.
- Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 5(2), 3-26, 2007
- The Hong Kong Institute of Education
- 2007
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 學前教育
- Following the education reform in 2001, the Education Bureau (EDB) in Hong Kong initiated a review of early childhood education (ECE) in 2006. The main focus of this review is the quality assurance mechanism for ECE, including the training of teachers, teaching quality, the potential pressures on teachers to upgrade their qualifications etc. This review is supported by the Chief Executive’s Policy Address (2006), which outlines concrete ways to achieve the targeted goals. This paper compares the provision of music training at four major ECE professional teacher-training institutions and examines the perspectives of in-service teachers, principals and early childhood education lecturers on the music training of ECE teachers. Using focus group interviews and survey, in-service ECE teachers expressed their general satisfaction with their pre-service training in music teaching. However, they did not feel prepared and confident enough to teach music in their schools compared to other subjects. They suggested aspects of pre-service training which would have better prepared teachers to teach music and identified three areas of professional development needs of ECE teachers in music teaching. A practical framework of professional development is also presented.[Copyright © 2007 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.]
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 16836995
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/1e3700fe
- 2015-03-26
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