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  • 31. Effectiveness of using an open-source digital technology for practical work in senior secondary physics curriculum
    Document Type: Dissertation Theses
    Year published: 2018
  • 32. Influences on the attitudes of pre-service preschool teachers in Hong Kong on environmental education
    Document Type: Dissertation Theses
    Year published: 2021
  • 33. Stories of becoming STEM teachers in Hong Kong: Gendered perspectives on teacher training and the classroom
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA 2022) (2022: San Diego, US)
  • 34. The improvisation of Hong Kong biology educators in response to COVID-19: Country report of Hong Kong SAR, China
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: The 56th BIOTA National Convention and Scientific Sessions & 28th Biennial Conference of the AABE (2022: Philippines)
  • 35. 透過行為改變技術來改善中度弱智兒童對資訊科技學習成效之研究
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 全球華人計算機教育應用學報, 3(1), 37-48, 2005
    Year published: 2005
    Publisher: 全球華人計算機教育應用學會
  • 36. Girls don’t have the “math sense”: How secondary school students make sense of STEM related subject choice
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: International Conference on Gender, Language and Education (ICGLE) (2020: The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
  • 37. Why are female students not taking STEM in university? Results from a student survey in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: International Conference on Gender, Language and Education (ICGLE) (2020: The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
  • 38. Maintaining secondary school students’ STEM career aspirations: The role of perceived parental expectations, self-efficacy, and cultural capital
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2022
    Publisher: Routledge
  • 39. Teachers’ concerns about STEM education in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 344-347
    Year published: 2020
    City published: Waynesville, NC
    Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
  • 40. Teacher education and professional development in STEM education: Experiences in mainland China and Hong Kong
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 124-138
    Year published: 2022
    City published: Abingdon, Oxon
    Publisher: Routledge

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