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  • 81. 教育與承傳(三) : 香港考評文化制度的流變
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Year published: 2014
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港教育圖書公司
  • 82. Integrating assessment of learning and assessment for learning in Hong Kong public examinations: Rationales and realities of introducing school-based assessment
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2006
    Conference: 32nd Annual Conference of International Association for Educational Assessment: Assessment in an Era of Rapid Change: Innovations and Best Practices (2006: Singapore)
  • 83. Informing learning and teaching using feedback from assessment data: An exploratory study of primary and secondary school teachers' perceived values of assessment data in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2006
    Conference: Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) International Conference 2006: Educational Research, Policy and Practice in an Era of Globalization (2006: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)
  • 84. Implication of misfit items in Rasch Measurement for item setting: A case study in mathematics in a primary school
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2006
    Conference: Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) International Conference 2006: Educational Research, Policy and Practice in an Era of Globalization (2006: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)
  • 85. 香港小學中國語文教師對評估的認識狀況研究
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2006
    Conference: 亞太教育研究學會國際研討會2006:全球化中的教育研究、政策及實踐 (2006: 香港教育學院)
  • 86. Portfolio assessment: Alternative student assessment use in Hong Kong Schools in the 21st Century
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 1999
    Conference: Fifth UNESCO-ACEID International Conference on Education (1999: Bangkok, Thailand)
  • 87. School-based assessment: Hong Kong perspectives
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2006
    Conference: Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) International Conference 2006: Educational Research, Policy and Practice in an Era of Globalization (2006: The Hong Kong Institute of Education)
  • 88. Assessment policy in Hong Kong: Implementation issues for new forms of assessment
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2006
    Conference: 32nd Annual Conference of International Association for Educational Assessment: Assessment in an Era of Rapid Change: Innovations and Bst Practices (2006: Singapore)
  • 89. Practice and challenges of school-based formative assessment
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2006
    Conference: 32nd Annual Conference of International Association for Educational Assessment: Assessment in an Era of Rapid Change: Innovations and Best Practices (2006: Singapore)
  • 90. Indicators mandate curriculum change? A reflection of External School Review (ESR) exercise in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2006
    Conference: Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) International Conference 2006: Educational Research, Policy and Practice in an Era of Globalization (2006: The Hong Kong Institute of Education)

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