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  • 311. 香港教師專業發展:學校施行資訊科技教育的實況
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 香港教師中心學報, 14, 69-88, 2015
    Year published: 2015
    Publisher: 香港教師中心
  • 312. 香港小班教學教師培訓的理論基礎及挑戰
    By: 黎國燦
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 53-62
    Year published: 2015
    City published: 南京
    Publisher: 南京師範大學出版社
  • 313. 有效運用學習圈課研:促進小班教師專業發展
    By: 章月鳳
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 275-285
    Year published: 2015
    City published: 南京
    Publisher: 南京師範大學出版社
  • 314. Using the natural environment as a teaching strategy in pre-service teacher education in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: The 2nd International Symposium on Education, Psychology, Society and Tourism (ISEPST 2014) (2014: Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan)
  • 315. 教師教育的國際走向和對香港的啟示
    By: 徐國棟
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: 香港初等教育研究學會 20 周年會慶學術研討會:香港初等教育的研究:沿起、承傳與發展 (2014: 香港中文大學,香港,中國)
  • 316. Engaging teachers in reflective practice: An activity theory approach from Hong Kong
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: The (C&I) Curriculum & Instruction Departmental Conference 2011-2012 (2012: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China)
  • 317. Late immersion: Contrasting content-trained teachers' and language-trained teachers’ pedagogies
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2008
    Conference: Immersion Education: Pathways to Bilingualism & Beyond (2008: StPaul, MN)
  • 318. Multiple intelligences, dialogic accountability, and ethical leadership: A three-dimension conceptual model enlightened by jazz as a metaphor for envisioning teacher's professional development
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2008
    Conference: Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) Conference 2008: Educational Research for Innovation & Quality in Education: Policy & Pedagogical Engagements Across Contexts (2008: National Institute of Education, Singapore)
  • 319. Teachers' development in a professional learning community in Hong Kong schools
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2008
    Conference: International Conference on Educational Research (ICER) 2008: Learning Communities for Sustainable Development (2008: Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
  • 320. Beginning early childhood teacher's reflective teaching: A case study in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2008
    Conference: 5th KSECE International Biannual Conference: Sharing Experiences to Build a Learning Community among Research, Practice, and Policy (2008: Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk, South Korea)

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