香港的學前課程政策幾十年來一直強調以遊戲為基礎之學習的重要性, 目前由 上而下的政策, 將學前課程推向更以遊戲為基礎的學習邁進。教師是課程政策的最 終執行者, 因此教師能否充分瞭解政策, 是政策成敗的關鍵。本研究試圖透過調查 課程政策對教師信念的影響, 來瞭解政策變化和教師以遊戲為基礎的學習的信念變 化之間的關係。本研究使用論述分析 (discourse analysis), 研究分析兩個課程政 策文件 (2006年和2017年), 分別在2013年和2022年對14名教師進行訪談, 以瞭 解他們對以遊戲為基礎的學習教學法之信念和課程政策的理解。調查結果顯示, 課 程政策對教師的遊戲安排和以遊戲為基礎的學習之教學法信念產生了明顯的影響, 特別是教師們常引用「賦權予兒童」、「自由遊戲」等概念, 反映了他們的思維變 化。然而, 該教學法的一些概念不明確, 可能導致政策實施的混亂, 故本研究也討 論了這些遊戲概念的理解或誤解在政治和教學層次上的意義。The Hong Kong preschool curriculum policy has stressed the importance of playbased learning for decades. However, the current top-down policy moves the preschool curriculum toward play-based learning. Since teachers are the ultimate implementers of curriculum policy, how far they understand the essence of this policy is the key to its success. This study attempted to understand the relationship between the policy change and changes in teachers’ conception of play-based learning by investigating the impacts of curriculum policy on teachers’ beliefs. Two curriculum policy papers of 2006 and 2017 were examined by using discourse analysis. Interviews with 14 teachers were then conducted in 2013 and 2022 to tap their beliefs about play-based learning approach and understanding of curriculum policy. The findings showed that curriculum policies have had an evident impact on teachers’ beliefs about play arrangements and play-based pedagogy. In particular, the teachers mentioned the terms such as “child empowerment” “free play” which reflected their changes in thinking. However, some unclarified concepts about the approach have led to confusion of the policy and its implementation. The political and pedagogical implications of these (mis)understandings are discussed. Copyright © 2024 National Chi Nan University.