Journal Articles
- 提昇學生閱讀表現的校本經驗
- School-based experience on enhancing pupil's reading
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, 57(2), 91-98, 2009
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2009
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 背景﹕培育學生的閱讀表現是香港教育改革的一個重點,課程發展議會於2002年把「從閱讀中學習」列為課程改革的四個關鍵項目之一。經過幾年來的努力,香港學生閱讀能力在「2006年學生能力國際評估計劃」,從2003年排名第十位躍升至名列第三位;而在「2006年全球學生閱讀能力進展研究」中,香港小四學生的閱讀能力在四十五個參與地區中,從2001年排名第十四位躍升至第二位。從這兩個於零七年底公佈的學生閱讀能力國際評比的報告中,反映香港中小學生閱讀表現是有提高的。 目的﹕香港學生閱讀能力的提昇是從何而來的呢?為了進一步瞭解當中的原因,本文將借用一所小學個案去解構學校改善學生閱讀表現的歷程,並嘗試分析有效影響學生閱讀提高的校本策略。 研究對象與方法﹕一所香港小學的學生、家長和教師對學生閱讀表現的量性資料,加上對校內學生和相關教師的深入訪談和相關的校內文件,勾劃出這所學校在過去幾年在提昇學生閱讀的經驗。 結果﹕研究發現該校把建構閱讀文化列為學校發展的閱讀項目,然後透過學校自評的理念,持續監控學校在推行閱讀的情況;該校除了創造更多的閱讀環境外,更引入集中閱讀和發展性閱讀等策略,加上在全校教師參與的情況下,學校在三年間確立了學生的閱讀習慣。 總結﹕透過這個個案研究法,把一所小學提昇學生閱讀的校本經驗外顯,讓人們瞭解香港校是怎樣實踐校本課程改革,說明香港學生閱讀表現的提昇,是不少學校和教師的努力耕耘的成果。 Background: One of the theme of educational reform is to improve the reading performance of pupils in Hong Kong. The Curriculum Development Council stated "to promote a reading culture" is one of the four key tasks of school curriculum reform on 2002. After several years, Hong Kong pupils have a better result in international assessments. In the Programme for International Student Assessment(PISA), Hong Kong pupils have a clear up from 10th in 2003 to3rd in 2006, Meanwhile, Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2006 finds that Primary 4 pupils in Hong Kong come second in reading literacy among 45 participating jurisdictions, up from 14th in 2001. Aims: To investigate the improvement of pupil's reading by a case study and analysis the school-based strategies used. Method: Beside the quantitative and qualitative data of a primary school, focus and in-depth interviews are used to triangular the reasons of the improvement of this primary school. Results: The improvement of pupils' reading in this school causes from several reasons. The school utilize self-evaluation concept to regulate the pupils reading, create more opportunity for pupils' to read, adopt useful reading strategies for the school development. Conclusion: The case illuminates the process of a school to improve pupils' reading performance and gives reasons for why Hong Kong pupils have a better reading performance in these years.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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