Journal Articles
- 從實踐中改善學校自我評估
- Improve school self-evaluation by practice
- 香港教師中心學報, (4), 109-114, 2005
- 香港
- 香港教師中心
- 2005
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 教統局吸收了推行質素保證視學的經驗,於03年提倡加強學校自我評估,以促進本港學校的發展和自我完善。為了支援本港小學實踐學校自我評估,香港初等教育研究學會舉辦小學學校自我評估的行動研究與分享計劃,為九所小學提供校本教師工作坊,使參與同工們明白以行動研究的態度來實踐學校自我評估。此文除整理文獻資料外,並會介紹計劃的心得,包括:學校校本自評計劃的要點、實踐自評的學校經驗和討論落實校本自評的關鍵等,以供學校同工參考如何進行學校自我評估。The Education Commission Report No.7 states internal quality assurance should be achieved through school-based management and self-evaluation by schools. Education and Manpower Bureau has sent a Circular Memorandum to all schools on "Enhancing School Development and Accountability through School Self-evaluation on External School Review" in 2003. The Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association has carried out a project titled "Sharing and Action research on School Self evaluation in Primary School", which is funded by District Teacher Network. The project provides school-based teachers' workshops for nine participating primary schools to help teachers learn how to carry out school self-evaluation through applying the processes of action research. This article aims at sharing the experience gained from the project and suggest better ways of implementing school self-evaluation.[Copyright of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16828984
- 2011-06-11
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