Journal Articles
- 在香港推行通識教育及其對策
- The implementation of liberal studies in Hong Kong and its strategies
- 香港教師中心學報, (6), 1-6, 2007
- 香港
- 香港教師中心
- 2007
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- 香港特區政府進行教育體制政策,並將於2009年開始,在中學逐步推行「3+3+4」學制,其中高中考試 還加入了通識教育科作為必修科要求學生應考。本文欲對通識教育在今天的香港推行的意義進行分,亦試圖 剖析為何遭受到種種批評,並對如何面對種種問題提出筆者的意見。筆者欲指出,在香港推行通識教育有其時代的逼切性,它既是全人教育的重要組成部份,亦用以補足因知識專業化所帶來的不足。論者雖然對應否在今天的香港推行通識教育持正面的意見,但礙於通識教育的性質、要求及考核與傳統的學科有異,他們對如何推行及是否具備條件推行則頗有保留。筆者欲指出,此種種問題確實存在,但並非不能克服。教授此科的教師不應本能地產生恐懼及排斥,而應該理性思考,以開放的態度思考問題及迎接教學卜戶法的轉變。我們不應把政府決定推行通識教育的美意扭曲,以致好事變成壞事,而應欣然接受新教學方法的挑戰,調整自己的意識及強化自己的能力以迎接新環境的到臨。The Hong Kong SAR Government will process the "3+3+4" new academic structure. Starting from 2009, senior secondary education will begin to have a new syllabus to set Liberal Studies as a core and compulsory subject in the new examination system. In this article, we will study the meaning of Liberal Studies in contemporary Hong Kong society, and we will also try to analyze why it has encountered various comments, and how we can cope with the related issues. The author would like to point out that, there is an urgent need to have the subject of Liberal Studies in contemporary Hong Kong society, because it is an important part of whole-person education in contemporary society. At the same time, it also balances the impact of specialized education. Due to the special nature of liberal studies, it is not too suitable to use the traditional way to assess the performance of students. Critics generally support the goal of liberal studies, but they do worry about the implementation and the supporting condition in enhancing this subject. The author would like to point out that, it is sure that many issues exist, but it does not mean that the issues cannot be solved. The teachers need not have such great opposition; they are advised to have an open mind to think rationally, and to adapt a new way to teach this subject. It is not suitable to distort the good intention of the government, and make the good thing become worse. Teachers are advised to learn a new way to teach this subject, adjust their attitudes, and strengthen their ability to accept the new teaching environment.[Copyright of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16828984
- 2011-06-11
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