Journal Articles
- 「現地研究」與詩歌教學:李商隱詩的教學個案
- On-site studies and classical Chinese poetry teaching: A case study on Li Shangyin’s poems teaching
- 國際中文教育學報, 4, 111-144, 2018
- 香港教育大學中國語言學系
- 2018
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- 閱讀和評賞中國古典詩歌,對現今的學生頗有挑戰。畢竟在語言、生活經驗和社會文化方面,古今都有很大差異;李商隱詩,也一向被認為較難閱讀。本研究團隊以香港教育大學中文選修科目「專家詩」為平台,選講李商隱詩,借用台灣學者簡錦松研究唐詩時提倡的「現地研究法」,利用衞星地圖、網上資源局部還原詩歌的寫作場景。導師以之實踐「情景教學」,並引入「混成學習」元素,引導學生利用高端科技結合傳統箋評,進行古典詩歌的評賞。本研究採用量化和質化方法,分析教學過程收集的數據,評量這種嶄新詩歌教學方法的效果。最後對其優勢和限制作出評估,並提出應用上的可行建議。 Reading and appreciating classical Chinese poetry is challenging for students nowadays. It is because the language used, life experience and social culture are greatly different between ancient and modern times. Moreover, Li Shangyin’s poems had always been considered difficult to read and understand. The research team used “Works of Major Poets” as a research platform, which was an elective course in Chinese major undergraduate programmes in The Education University of Hong Kong, to teach Li Shangyin’s poems. The team used a research methodology named “On-site Studies”, which is used by a Taiwan Scholar Prof. Chien Chin Sung while studying Poetry of Tang Dynasty. Also, satellite maps and online resources were used to partially restore the poetry writing scenes. At the same time, the Instructor embedded “Situation Teaching” and introduced “Blended Learning” elements, to guide students combining high technology with traditional interpretation method during poems appreciation. This study applied quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze the data collected during the teaching process and evaluated the effectiveness of this new poetry teaching method. Finally, an assessment of its strengths and limitations was made and provided feasible recommendations for this new teaching strategy. Copyright © 2018 The Education University of Hong Kong.
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 25207733
- 2019-06-06
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