Journal Articles
- 愚昧還是啟迪:香港推廣兒童經典學習的反思
- Ignorance or enlightenment: Reflections on the promotion of children's classics-learning in Hong Kong
- 香港教師中心學報, 9, 96-106, 2010
- 香港
- 香港教師中心
- 2010
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- 經典學習為中國古代教育的一環,自上世紀初科舉和讀經相繼遭廢除以後,經典學習的地位備受挑戰。關於兒童應否讀經的討論從沒問斷,爭議焦點似乎在於讀經會產生愚昧還是帶來敵迪。雖然讀經公案未有定識,可是讀經活動在中國內地和臺灣地區相當盛行,倡導者認為讀經有助語文能力和道德素養的提升。本文首先論述讀經的爭議,並從道德教育和文化承傳層面,探討香港推廣兒童經典學習的意義,並且提供建議,以求促進經典學習的成效。
Classics-learning is an integral part of ancient Chinese education. At the beginning of the last century, imperial examination and classics-reciting were sequentially abolished. The status of classics-learning was thus being challenged. Whether or not children should recite classics is so far still a matter of debate. The crux of debate seems to be whether classic-reciting will produce ignorance or bring enlightenment instead. In spite of controversy, classics-reciting activities in mainland China and Taiwan are still prevalent, and the advocates believe that these activities are especially conducive to the enhancement of language competency and moral qualities. This paper reviews and evaluates the arguments of classics-reciting, and explores the meaning of promotion of children’s classics-learning in Hong Kong from the perpectives of moral education and cultural inheritance with recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of classics-learning. [Copyright of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre at] -
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16828984
- 2011-03-01
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