Journal Articles
- 「引導式教育」理念下:比較「貫通專業團隊主題式協作」和「治療師與科任老師合作」兩種模式的成效
- 香港特殊教育論壇, 11, 111-131, 2009
- 香港特殊教育學會有限公司
- 2009
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 本行動研究就香港紅十字會甘迺中心的貫通專業團隊於課堂時段的兩種協作模式───「貫通專業團隊主題式協作」(下稱「社適課」)和「治療師與科任老師合作」,探討二者對學生學習及專業交流的不同效果,藉以找出一個比較有效的貫通專業團隊合作摸式。研究分上、下學期兩個時段進行,上學期試行「治療師與科任老師合作」的方式,下學期試行「社適課」的方式,以學生於兩個時期各方面的表現,作出比較。研究對象為12名5-8歲就讀小一的身體弱能兒童。參與的職員設計及填寫兩份表格︰「社適課」行動研究學生評估表及「引導式教育」行動研究職員記錄表,並進行前測及後測,收集數據。研究結果顯示兩種模式各有優勝;「治療師與科任老師合作」模式較能照顧個別學生在學科技能上的發展,而「社適課」模式則優於促進學生成長的全面發展。 This action research aims at comparing two modes of trans-disciplinary approach under the notion of Conductive Education currently being adopted in the Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre, i.e "Theme-based Collaboration" (or "Social Competence lessons) and "Subject-based Collaboration" (which involved co-teaching by therapists and class teachers) The objective is to find out which mode of collaboration is more effective for student learning and professional collaboration. The research was carried out in two phases during the same school year, one in each term. In the first school term, theapists and subject teachers collaborated on subject basis in designated Chinese Language, Physical Education and Visual Arts lessons. In the second term, therapists and the class teacher collaborated on theme basis. Twelve students from the same class of primary one, aged from 5 to 8, were chosen to be the subjects of the research. Participating staff members designed corresponding "Action Research Students Performance Assessment Forms" and "Staff Evaluation Forms". Data was collected by recording their own observation during the observed periods. The results showed that both modes have their respective merits. Skills of individual students could be better trained on subject matters when therapists and subject teachers collaborated, whereas students' personal development could be better facilitated when therapists worked with class teacher on "theme-based collaboration". [Copyright of 香港特殊教育論壇 is the property of 香港特殊教育學會有限公司. Full article may be available at the publisher's website:]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 15627861
- 2019-04-09
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