Journal Articles
- 香港的家庭與學校關係:蛻變中的家長角色
- Home-school relationships in Hong Kong: Evolving roles of parents
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (48), 12-21, 2003
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2003
- Hong Kong
- 1990-1997.6
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education
- 促進香港的家庭與學校合作的教育改革始於1991《學校管理新措施》的第十項建議:讓家長參與學校管理。自此以後,家長參與學童教育的角色為教育界人士所認受,學校不但鼓勵家長在家中參與督導子女的學習,還邀請家長走進校內協助學校運作。本文利用相關的香港政府教育政策檔及學術文獻,試從歷史發展的角度,去分析香港家長在學童教育過程中蛻變的角色,並將香港家校關係的發展概念化為四個時期︰包括家 長沉默與順從期、家長權利的甦醒期、家校聯繫期和家長參與期,以反映在九十年代推展的校本管理運動中,家長在教育的角色,漸受政府和學校重視。 The educational innovation of promoting home-school cooperation has commenced since 1991, the year where the policy document, "The School Management Initiative", suggested inviting parents to participate in governing the school. Since then, parents' roles in children's schooling process have been recognized. Parents are not only encouraged to supervise their children's learning at home but also invited to offer assistance in school operation. With reference to the governmental policy documents and academic studies, this article attempts to portray the evolving roles of parents in children's education in times of reforms. Four stages of development of home-school relationships are conceptualized: quiescence and acquiescence, wakefulness of parents' rights, communication and participation. These stages reflect how parents' roles have gradually become significant and important in the movement of school-based management implemented in the 90s.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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