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Journal Articles


  • 香港學校性教育的推行策略
  • Strategies in school sexuality education in Hong Kong
  • 青年研究學報, 8(1), 105-113, 2005
  • 香港
  • 香港靑年協會
  • 2005
    • Hong Kong
    • 1997.7 onwards
    • Secondary Education
  • 多年以來,香港社會主要透過學校非正規課程來推行性教育。近年,教育當局積極在綜合學科中引入性教育的素材,然而,性教育仍有加強的必要。本文嘗試就教育政策、課程發展、師資培訓等方面提出策略建議,並提出性教育論述必須進步,以回應年青人的需要;期望能突破性教育在香港發展的困境。
    For many years sexuality education in Hong Kong has been implemented via the informal school curriculum. Despite the fact that school authorities have advocated integrating elements of sex education into the formal curriculum in recent years, sexuality education in schools still needs to be enhanced in order to be effective. This paper attempts to propose relevant strategies related to education policy, curriculum development and training. It also discusses the importance of improving discourse on sex education in Hong Kong in order to be able to respond to the needs of young people, and hence to move out of the current predicament.
    [Copyright of Journal of Youth Studies is the property of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups at]
    • Chinese
  • Journal Articles
    • 10297847
  • 2011-06-11

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