Conference Papers
Mastery of technology competencies in teaching and learning among student teachers using portfolio approach
- Mastery of technology competencies in teaching and learning among student teachers using portfolio approach
- 1999
- Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 16th Annual Conference: Exploring New Frontiers in Education (1999: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Post-Secondary Education
- Educational Technology has long been a major component in the teacher education programme in Hong Kong. However, its application in actual classroom teaching is very limited. Recent studies in the science teaching in secondary classes and the trend of using instructional media in primary schools in Hong Kong revealed that the types of media being used are limited to those traditional ones. Textbook, blackboard and printed text materials remain the dominant instructional media in current practice of teaching although there are varieties of other choices (Yeung et al, 1996; Li et al, 1999). Other traditional media such as photos, graphics, OHTs and video were used occasionally and were mainly used as information delivery aids in a teaching process. Reports on the use of computer technology were rare. This phenomenon of limited use of technologies and little use of computer technology in teaching may have relation with the general adoption of directed teaching strategies by most teachers currently or may be a result of insufficient preparation in initial teacher education programme. Teacher educators have been being too emphasised on the teaching "about" technologies- the skills for operation of -equipment and computer software rather than the concepts and knowledge of their applications in real learning situations. That is how teachers and students teach and learn "with" technologies. This study aims at verifying the effects of a new teaching approach in which portfolio was used as a guide, a record and a monitor of the learning process of the revised technology competencies for teachers in a group of pre-service teachers in a primary teacher education programme. A conceptual framework that governs the design of the revised competencies was also established and will be discussed in this paper. Preliminary investigation shows positive result in the acquisition of concepts, ideas and skills in the newly revised technology competencies.
- Paper presented at the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 16th Annual Conference: Exploring New Frontiers in Education
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2015-07-14
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