Journal Articles
- 以圖畫故事書為教材運用交互教學法提升幼兒的閱讀理解能力
- 清華教育學報, 34(2), 1-44, 2017
- 國立清華大學
- 2017
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Pre-Primary Education
- 本研究旨在探討以「交互教學法」的策略來說故事,提升香港幼兒的閱讀理解能力的可行性。本研究以隨機抽樣方法選取共32位五至六歲幼稚園高班的幼兒,採用準實驗研究方法,將幼兒分為實驗組及控制組,分前測、實驗教學及後測三個階段進行,再就所得資料做質性和量化的分析。結果顯示,經過「交互教學法」的閱讀策略說故事後,實驗組閱讀理解能力比控制組為佳。本研究根據實驗教學的結果,找出如何以圖畫故事書為教材並運用交互教學策略進行活動,來幫助香港幼稚園教師實踐交互教學以提升幼兒的閱讀能力,並有助於其他幼稚園吸取相關的成功經驗。This study used the reciprocal teaching approach to storytelling as a reading strategy method to determine whether it affects Hong Kong children's competence in reading comprehension. A total of 32 children (age 5-6 years) studying in upper class (K3) were selected through random sampling to undertake reading activities for 6 weeks. They were split into experimental and control groups for a quasiexperiment study. The children of the control group carried out the story activity with the traditional way of teaching storytelling while the experimental group used the Reciprocal Teaching Approach with interactive teaching strategies to tell story books. The study, which used qualitative and quantitative methods, was conducted in three stages: pretesting, experimental teaching, and posttesting. The results revealed that children's competence in reading comprehension in the posttesting stage was superior to that in the pretesting stage. Children found learning vocabulary that appeared more frequently to be easier when listening to stories. Because of the link between pictures and context, children's image came up in their thoughts was developed in a multifaceted manner, which enhanced and improved their reading comprehension competence. The results of the experimental teaching indicated that by using picture stories and by adopting the reciprocal teaching approach, young children's competence in reading comprehension can be enhanced. This paper provides insight that can be applied in other kindergartens. Copyright © 2017 國立清華大學.
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 25219006
- 2018-09-10
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