Conference Papers
Tools for distance education in Hong Kong kindergartens during unexpected school closures
- Tools for distance education in Hong Kong kindergartens during unexpected school closures
- The 16th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2021) (2021: Lancaster, UK)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Pre-Primary Education
- This paper intends to study the beginning stages oftechnology adoption during distance learning in early childhood education (ECE) and focus on digital tools and equipment used during this period. We circulated a questionnaire to a representative group of teachers, seeking to find out more about teacher and school preparedness, strategies to provide distance education, and teachers' experiences while making this transition. Findings from survey results and interviews from forty-three teachers indicate that technological factors are strongly linked to school readiness. Teachers do not have pedagogical techniques for the current distance education learning environment. The pedagogical implications of these specialised tools were discussed. Four different pedagogical practices are central for distance education in a crisis and several difficulties encountered during the process. Although being prepared to ensure the continuity of education was challenging, schools and teachers found ways to overcome the obstacles. Results build on previously reported findings regarding school closure during virus outbreaks, and they may serve as guidance for teachers and school leaders as they move into technology adoption in ECE education. This research can also help create emergency response educational plans for kindergartens and provide an excellent historical record. Copyright © 2021 The 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education.
- Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2021), Lancaster, UK.
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2021-11-05
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