Conference Papers
Institute-school partnership in pre-service and in-service initial teacher education: Issues and challenges
- Institute-school partnership in pre-service and in-service initial teacher education: Issues and challenges
- 2000
- Australian Association for Research in Education 2000 (2000: Sydney, New South Wales)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- From the perspective of a teacher education institution, the most important partner to work together is certainly the school itself. In fact, the partnership between tertiary and schools has received considerable attentions from teacher educators and policy makers since the late 80s. In Hong Kong, recent developments in teacher education programmes have also placed increasing emphasis on establishing links with the school sectors. This paper reports a pilot study of the Honorary teaching Adviser (HTA) Scheme, which seeks to involve school teachers to support the professional development of participants on pre-service and in-service initial teacher education programmes for cultural and technology subject teachers. The research aims to compare, between pre-service and in-service initial teacher education, the supporting strategies adopted by the HTA to facilitate student teachers' professional learning and the mode of team teaching and professional dialogues engaged in by the student teachers and the HTA. Views of the stakeholders including school principals/school co-ordinators, Institute supervisors and Honorary Teaching Advisers towards the partnership are solicited. Finally, issues and challenges in the HTA Scheme of pre-service and in-service initial teacher education programmes are identified for future implementation.
- Paper presented Australian Association for Research in Education 2000
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2015-08-12
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