Journal Articles
- 香港小學課程統籌主任的專業發展:切合需要的設計
- Professional development of curriculum masters in Hong Kong: Design catering for needs
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (52), 22-37, 2005
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2005
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- Post-Secondary Education
- 背景:香港特別行政區政府在2002-2003 學年起,分階段在香港小學設置課程統籌主任一職。在設置職位時,亦很重視任職人士的專業發展,先後以短期課程、工作坊、學校交流日和發展日協助其發展。 討論焦點:本文從四個研究的成果,說明課程統籌主任的培訓課程仍有其不足,並加以分析和建議。 論點:特區政府深明課程改革的成敗與教師專業發展有密切的關係。然而,以小學課程統籌主任的專業發展來看,其模式和內容仍與現實需要有些距離。提供清晰的改革方向、在現實情景中提供專業發展機會、以夥伴合作模式和照顧施行者的感受,都必須加以留意。 總結:專業發展課程設計若未能照顧前線教師的需要,則不單無助教師改革課程,反而只會增加教師的負擔。 Background: Since the academic year 2002-2003, HKSAR government established the curriculum masters (PSM(CD)) post in primary schools through three stages. By organizing short courses, workshops, school sharing and development day, professional development was provided to these masters showing the concern of government towards this establishment. Focal point: From four pieces of empirical reseach, this paper showed the deficit of the professional development program and reflected on responses of participants. Discussion: Though HKSAR government emphasized the importance of professional development of these curriculum masters, the content and mode of professional development program are falling short from teachers' needs. It is suggested that providing clear reform directions, supporting professional development in real situation, utilizing collaborative mode and concerning teachers' feeling should be awared when design a program. Conclusion: If professional development program is not designed for the needs of participants, it will not help teachers in curriculum reform but increase their burden.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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