Journal Articles
- 香港教育改革與「新高中通識教育」的實踐與挑戰
- The implementation and challenges of liberal studies in education reform in Hong Kong
- 香港教師中心學報, (4), 43-53, 2005
- 香港
- 香港教師中心
- 2005
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- 香港教育改革在「三三四」改制的建議下,首輪的課程改革將會同步實施,「新高中通識教育」將成為必修科目。隨著課程的轉型,教統局預測,「新高中通識教育」將來在全港推行後,任教該科目的教師將增至三千二百人。全港現時約有三百名教師任教高補程度通識教育。因此,很多現時任教「個人、社會、人文科」範疇內的教師及任教經濟科、經濟及公共事務科、歷史科(中國歷史及世界歷史)、地理科各學科的教師都或需要轉型任教「新高中通識教育」。這批教師需重新接受「新高中通識教育」的再培訓。在三三四制首輪諮詢期當中,教師及辦學團體紛紛提出不同意見,主要針對下列七方面:(1)新高中通識教育的課程內容;(2)任教新高中通教育的教師再培訓的要求;(3)新高中通識教育的教學法;(4)新高中通識教育的評估方法與分級;(5)學校行政與新高中通識教育科推行的配合;(6)新高中通識教育學生人數與教學效能的關係;(7)新高中通識教育的教學語言與學習成效。有見及此,本文將會從以上七方面進行初步探討。In the recent round of education reform in Hong Kong, the 3+3+4 proposal was introduced. However, the introduction of Liberal Studies as a compulsory core subject has become quite a hot topic of debate. The Education and Manpower Bureau predicted that the change will affect more than 3,200 teachers who will be teaching the new subject. This paper aims to review the development of the subject over the past years and explore the possible challenges that teachers might face during the implementation process. These included (1) the content and structure of the curriculum; (2) the demand for re-training teachers; (3) the pedagogy of Liberal Studies;(4) the assessment and grading of project learning work of Liberal Studies; (5) corresponding changes in schools' administrative procedures to support the implementation of Liberal Studies; (6) the relationship of class size and teaching of Liberal Studies; (7) the relationship of medium of instruction and the teaching of Liberal Studies. Finally, recommendations are suggested.[Copyright of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16828984
- 2011-06-11
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