
搜尋結果: 顯示第 1-10 筆資料 (共 11 筆)
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  • 1. Flipped data science classrooms with peer instruction and just-in-time teaching: Students’ perceptions and learning experiences
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 395-402
    出版年: 2023
    出版地: Cham
    出版者: Springer
  • 2. A systematic review of research on e-book-based language learning
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Knowledge Management and E-Learning, 12(1), 106-128, 2020
    出版年: 2020
    出版者: Hong Kong Bao Long Accounting & Secretarial Limited
  • 3. On Hong Kong primary school English teachers' acceptance of technology-enhanced language learning and teaching
    文件類型: 章節
    出版年: 2019
    出版地: Danvers, MA
    出版者: IEEE
  • 4. A review on the admission policies of Hong Kong universities for non-local students from Mainland China
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 224-234
    出版年: 2019
    出版地: Singapore
    出版者: Springer
  • 5. Game-based vocabulary learning in Hong Kong: Students’ perceptions, attitudes and expectations of a game-mediated vocabulary learning APP
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 56-62
    出版年: 2018
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Caritas Institute of Higher Education
  • 6. Enhancing information literacy in Hong Kong higher education through game-based learning
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 595-598
    出版年: 2018
    出版地: Guangzhou
    出版者: South China Normal University
  • 7. A comparative study on recent educational policy changes of primary and secondary schooling in Hong Kong and Macau
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 117-120
    出版年: 2018
    出版地: Danvers, MA
    出版者: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
  • 8. English education for the elderly in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 306-310
    出版年: 2017
    出版地: Switzerland
    出版者: Springer
  • 9. When innovation meets evolution: An extensive study of emerging e-Learning technologies for higher education in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 574-584
    出版年: 2017
    出版地: Switzerland
    出版者: Springer
  • 10. Hybrid learning and education: First international conference, ICHL 2008, Hong Kong, China, August 13-15, 2008: proceedings
    文件類型: 會議論文集
    出版年: 2008
    出版地: Berlin
    出版者: Springer
    會議: ICHL 2008 (2008: Hong Kong)

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