Formalized and natural supports for tertiary students with disabilities in Hong Kong
- Formalized and natural supports for tertiary students with disabilities in Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Special Education Forum, 12, 16-36, 2010
- Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.
- 2010
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 專上教育
- Through classroom observations and interviews, the findings in this article recount the supports to five students with hearing, mobility, and visual impairments at a university in Hong Kong. Their instructors and staff at the university were interviewed. Such supports include improvement of accessibility in buildings, the provision of assertive technology grants, and counseling servives. Universally designed instructing strategies and individual adaptations for specific needs students are elaborated as well. The discussion outlines the needs for further research in documenting disability accommodations in the tertiary institutes in the Chinese society. 本文匯報在香港一所大學進行的一項研究,透過課室觀察及面談,探討學校為五位殘疾學生 (包括︰聽障、視障及肢體殘障) 提供的支援服務。面談亦包括大學導師及講師。正規的支援包括建築通道的改善、輔助科技津貼、心理輔導,而自然支援則包括為感知障礙學生提供的支援服務。本文亦會介紹各種通用性的教學策略及為學生特別需要所作的個別調適。討論概括指出在華人高等教育學府的殘疾人士仍有各種需要而需繼續研究。 [Copyright of Hong Kong Special Education Forum is the property of Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.. Full article may be available at the publisher's website: https://sites.google.com/a/seshk.org.hk/seshk-org-hk/c_publication]
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 15627861
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/f89eb224
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