- 「同儕評核」在普通話教學法課上的實踐
- Experience on organizing a school-wide experiential learning activity: Activity Week Experience (AWE) programme
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (50), 65-75, 2004
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2004
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 中學教育
- 背景:我校向以「全人教育」為宗旨,希望培育學生成長和為他們未來的事業作好準備。為貫徹此宗旨及配合教育改革的推行,除了一貫的課堂教育外,我校亦認同經驗教育的重要性。因此,我校以「走出普通課堂的多元化活動學習體驗周」為口號,舉行「活動周體驗計畫」,邀請全體同學根據自己的興趣及能力參加不同的活動。 目的:此文章將討論舉行此類全校性活動應注意的事項,及老師如何與學生一起學習。 調查對象:由於只有我校舉行此「活動周體驗計畫」,所有資料由德信中學提供。 調查方法:此文章是透過個人經驗、專業討論及有關的政府刊物的資料,集合而成的。 調查結果:此文章提供了一系列的指引,讓有志舉辦同類型全校性活動的老師及學校,可以作一個參考。在舉辦類似活動時,應以學校辦學使命為原則,以學生得益及安全為大前提,在得到學校各持分者支持,才大力推動;否則,祇會勞民傷財。 總結:「活動周體驗計畫」是我校「全人教育」內的一個有計畫的主要活動,全體同學會按照自己的興趣及能力參加不同的活動。因此,一個詳盡的計畫便是帶領其成功的一項重要因素。此文章正提供了一系列的指引讓老師,製作其活動,「為孩子創造出更好更闊的學習空間」。 Background: Whole person education for our students is the mission of our school. We help them to develop their personal characters and to prepare for their own career paths. To fulfill the above challenging mission and the recent educational reform, apart form the normal classroom teaching, the School recognizes the importance and value of experiential or activity based education. Hence, we introduced the Activity Week Experience (AWE) Programme to provide our students a week of diversified learning experiences out of the ordinary classroom! All students are invited to join different organized programmes based on our own interest and abilities. Aims: This paper is going to discuss the main concerns on organizing such a school-wide experiential learning activity and how our teachers also learn together with our students. Sample: The programme has only been conducted in our school. Tak Sun Secondary School is the only information source. Method: Personal experience, professional discussion and reference to the relevant Government documents were used in drafting the paper. Results: A series of guidelines were suggested as reminders for the teachers and the school if they would like to produce similar school-wide activities. To start a similar school-wide activity, the school should put the school mission and the safety of the students as the first priority. Then, with the strong support from different school stakeholders, the activity would be implemented smoothly. Otherwise, it will be a waste of resources. Conclusion: Activity Week Experience (AWE) Programme is a core activity on the Whole Person Education in our school. All students are invited to join different organized programmes based on our own interest and abilities. Hence, a precise plan to prepare all activities in the programme is essential to its success. The paper produced a series of guidelines to help our teachers in their activity plans in order to produce a better and wider learning environment for our next generation.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at http://www.hkta1934.org.hk/]
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 16831381
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/eeb9fb11
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