An overview of research on emotions in Asian learners and educators: Implications and future directions
- An overview of research on emotions in Asian learners and educators: Implications and future directions
- Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28(4), 363-370, 2019
- Springer
- 2019
- Emotional Response Asians Role Teacher Attitudes Student Attitudes Metacognition Personality Traits Resilience (Psychology) Daily Living Skills Emotional Experience Preservice Teachers Self Efficacy Social Environment Elementary Secondary Education Higher Education Foreign Countries Cooperation Practicums Coping Sleep Teacher Burnout Teacher Motivation Academic Persistence China Singapore Philippines
- Hong Kong
- China
- Singapore
- Philippines
- 1997.7 onwards
- 小學教育
- 中學教育
- 專上教育
- In contrast to a burgeoning research literature on the role of emotions in learning and instruction in Western culture, research on how emotions impact student and teacher development in Asian countries is lacking. The present paper reviews seven publications included in the 2019 Special Issue of The Asia--Pacific Education Researcher examining the role of emotions in Asian learners and in Asian educators. Three studies conducted with Asian students across education levels (primary, secondary, post-secondary) and countries (China, Singapore) explored students' emotions ranging from global constructs (engagement, satisfaction) to discrete experiences (hope, gratitude) in relation to personality, self-regulation, persistence, and contextual variables (perfectionism, self-compassion, resilience, relatedness). Four studies additionally investigated the emotional experiences of pre-service and practicing Asian teachers (China, Hong Kong, Philippines) in relation to varied motivational variables (self-efficacy, self-theories, passion, psychological capital), social-environmental factors (cooperative interactions, practicum evaluations), as well as psychological and physical health (coping styles, burnout, sleep quality). Study findings and protocols are discussed with respect to specific directions for future research on academic emotions in an Asian educational context. [Copyright of Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is the property of Springer.]
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 01195646
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/eb862b2d
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