Equal educational opportunity? Global policy development and local practices in diverse school contexts
- Equal educational opportunity? Global policy development and local practices in diverse school contexts
- Hong Kong Journal of Special Education, 18, 1-13, 2016
- Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.
- 2016
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- Challenges to equal educational opportunities for all students still exist in many places across different societies in times of increasingly diverse student populations in schools. Not only students with different learning abilities but also those from different social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds have diverse learning needs. We argue that inclusive education should take a broader perspective regarding students of difference and/or difficulty,while principals play out important leadership roles for equal educational opportunity in schools. This paper aims to examine two principal leadership approaches to practices for the diversity of student populations. By conducting a cross-case study, the principals cultivated an inclusive and multicultural school environment for the students. The findings show that the principals turned their schools around by adopting similar and different leadership practices. Hence, they can transform the schools towards more inclusion for students of differences and difficulties. 隨著學校學生的差異性不斷擴大,在不同地方為所有學生提供平等教育機會仍然面對各樣挑戰。主要除了學習能力的差異,亦可能因來自不同社會、文化及種族背景,學生的學習需要變得更複雜。我們認為校長在平等教育機會中擔任重要的領導角色,而融合教育應以更全面的觀點去應對學生的學習差異與困難。這篇文章以跨個案研究分析兩位校長在面對學生複雜和差異的學習需要時的領導方式,為學生的學習提供一個共融及多元文化的校園環境。研究結果顯示兩位校長實踐相似但不相同的領導方式促使學校轉型,他們帶領學校發展成為更能接納學生差異與困難的共融校園。 [Copyright of Hong Kong Journal of Special Education is the property of Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.. Full article may be available at the publisher's website: https://sites.google.com/a/seshk.org.hk/seshk-org-hk/c_publication]
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 24147818
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/d7085492
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