- 港臺兩地教育改革的主標落空及個中教益
- 湖南師範大學教育科學學報, 16(5), 11-16, 2017
- 湖南師範大學
- 2017
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 港臺兩地的教改(教育改革)抱著革故鼎新的追求起步,教改的配置也幾近完美,然而結果卻是教改的主攻目標未能達成,甚至還派生出一系列新的棘手問題。兩地教改主攻目標落空的過程與事實,至少給我們留下了可資借鑒的四條教益:理想的教改目標往往知易行難,與本土文化"決裂"的教改難以成功,沒有不知疲倦的教師和無所不能的培訓,世上幾乎沒有有利無弊的教改舉措。
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 16716124
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/bc24789c
- 2018-05-10
L2 English listeners’ perceived comprehensibility and attitudes towards speech produced by L3 English learners from China期刊論文
School students’ aspirations for STEM careers: The influence of self-concept, parental expectations, career outcome expectations, and perceptions of STEM professionals期刊論文
Fundamental movement skills in Hong Kong kindergartens: A grade-level analysis期刊論文
Teaching visual arts using virtual exhibitions: An investigation of student usage and impact on learning期刊論文
How language usage affects sojourners’ psychological well-being in a trilingual society: Linguistic acculturation of Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong期刊論文
The role of cumulative family risks in the relationship between executive functioning and school readiness期刊論文
Definitions of creativity by kindergarten stakeholders: An interview study based on Rhodes’ 4P model期刊論文
Language exposure and Chinese character handwriting among Hong Kong non-Chinese speaking students: The mediating role of academic self-concept期刊論文