- 淺釋歷年香港中學會考美術科有關統計
- 美術教育, 15-17, 1994
- Hong Kong
- Government Printer
- 1994
- Hong Kong
- 1990-1997.6
- 中學教育
- 作者比較和分析1984至1993年參加香港中學會考美術科各卷的應考人數。從繪畫、平面設計、書法、美術史和課程習作各選卷看,最受歡迎是平面設計,其次是繪畫;最不受考生歡迎的是美術史卷。比較兩份素描卷後,作者發現選考植物寫生卷的人數遠比人物寫生卷為多。從整體會考人數與選考美術科的人數比較,1984至1993年的多年中,祇有1.2%上升。作者認為,這現象可歸咎於課程不均衡。
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/95d067ac
- 2010-09-28
Using the family resemblance approach to inform STEAM education期刊論文
Differences in interaction strategy use between L1 and L2 group discussions of primary school students期刊論文
Students’ science achievement in cognitive domains: Effects of practical work and clarity of instruction期刊論文
Exploring EAP students' perceptions of GenAI and traditional grammar-checking tools for language learning期刊論文
Fostering secondary students’ entrepreneurial attributes and aspirations through a theory-informed learning management system期刊論文
Leadership for action on climate change: The role of education policy and professional standards in the Hong Kong context期刊論文
Dynamic interplays between self-regulated learning and computational thinking in primary school students through animations and worksheets期刊論文
探究課程政策對教師遊戲教學信念的影響: 以香港兩所幼稚園教師為例期刊論文