- 一間小學的經驗分享——由廣州話走向用普通話教中文
- A primary school's experience of switching from Cantonese to Putonghua on teaching Chinese language
- 香港教師中心學報, (5), 80-87, 2006
- 香港
- 香港教師中心
- 2006
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 中學教育
- 香港自開埠以來,社會地方語言及中小學主流教學語言均採用廣州話。本文旨在分享一所學校自2000年開始,前後共用了五年時間,將小學一至六年級中文科教學語言由廣州話改用普通話教學。文章內容分享其轉變的原因、推行情況和成效的體驗,藉以推廣以普通話教中文的新文化。The locally popular Cantonese dialect has always been the mainstream medium of instruction in the territories' primary and secondary schools. This article analyses a primary school's switch from Cantonese to Putonghua to teach Chinese language within five years starting from 2000, and by discussing the causes, implementing process, and results of the transition, attempts to promote adopting Putonghua as the medium of instruction of Chinese language in Hong Kong.[Copyright of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre at http://www.edb.org.hk/hktc]
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 16828984
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/874dd009
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