- 青少年創意教育:香港創意思維活動的經驗
- Creativity education for young people: The case of the Hong Kong odyssey of the mind programme
- 青年研究學報, 7(2), 42-49, 2004
- 香港
- 香港靑年協會
- 2004
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 香港青年協會自1996年起引入由美國工業設計教授米爾萊克盧斯教授發起的「創意思維活動」,並於次年開始派出得勝隊伍前往美國參加世界賽,而且屢獲佳績。作為青少年創意教育的先驅,「創意思維活動」的目的,是透過積極參與的團隊比賽,培養參加者的擴散性思維,以及綜合應用科學、人文和藝術的知識和技能。積極加強青年的創造力,是提升整體社會競爭力的重要一環,也是近年香港致力推動創意教育的目標,而這亦正正與「創意思維活動」的精神不謀而合。The Odyssey of the Mind Programme (OMP), created by Dr. Samuel Micklus in the United States, was introduced to Hong Kong in 1996 by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. The local championship teams representing Hong Kong have shown a marked improvement over the past few years in the World Finals held in the United States. As a pioneer in creativity education for young people, OMP aims at developing divergent thinking, the integration of skills and knowledge of science, the humanities and the arts through teamwork. Hoping to nurture creativity among young people and to improve our general competitiveness, Hong Kong has put much effort into the promotion of creativity education in recent years, a goal also shared by OMP.[Copyright of Journal of Youth Studies is the property of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups at http://yrc.hkfyg.org.hk/]
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 10297847
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/7c7e2a7f
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