- 香港小班化教學的現況與發展
- 小班化教學思與行:香港南京兩地小班化教學的理論與實踐
- 南京
- 南京師範大學出版社
- 2015
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 小學教育
- 香港自2009─2010學年起從小一開始逐年級實施每班25人的小班教學政策,至今已推展到小學六年級,中學則維持大班。鑒於近年小學適齡人口回升,部分地區學額不足情況逐步浮現,香港教育局要求受影響地區的學校改回30人以上的大班,惟強調僅屬暫時安排,未來情況怎樣還有待觀察。本人旨在描述香港小班教學的現況與特色,包括小班教學的目的、參與小班教學學校的情況、教師如何在小班環境下優化教學、小班教學與教師專業發展以及實施小班教學所遇到的困難,並提出一些建議。
- 中文
- 章節
- 9787565123849
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/5419a3ea
- 2016-02-11
Creating pathways for cultural inclusion: Informal learning and teacher education in Hong Kong章節
A philosophical approach to teacher education章節
A study on social interactions among primary students in English vocabulary acquisition in a mobile learner-generated content learning environment章節
Teacher education in a postcolonial Hong Kong: Forms, drivers, influences, and agency章節
Melancholy in narratives of early career English teachers in Hong Kong章節
A corpus-based approach to learning and teaching Cantonese章節
Translanguaging and trans-semiotising in a public relations writing course: Exploring heteroglossic co-becoming in a higher education institute in Hong Kong章節
Intercultural collaborative teaching and learning in online environments: E-quality in global media education case study章節