- 有必要但是不受歡迎──中學普通話科教師對政府語文能力要求的回應
- Necessary but not welcomed--The response of secondary school Putonghua teacher to the government's benchmark requirement on language standard
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (52), 1-7, 2005
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2005
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 中學教育
- 背景:香港政府自2000 年開始施實教師「語文能力要求」以及相應的「教師語文能力評估」。在這項政策之下,全港中小學的常額英文和普通話科教師必須在特定時限之前達到相關語文能力要求,否則將不獲准繼續任教英文或普通話科。政府的是項舉措在本港教育界引發了廣泛的爭論。 目的:本研究目的在於調查政府該項措施實施兩年之後,受影響的中學普通話科教師對政府此項舉措的一般意見和態度。 調查對象:本研究的調查對象為香港中學普通話科科主任教師。 調查方法:本研究採用直接問卷的方式進行。以郵寄方法向香港400 間中學的普通話科科主任進行問卷調查,成功收回問卷177 份。 調查結果:結果顯示,普通話科教師一般認為,政府的這項政策對於語文教師的專業發展有其必要;但是,由於政府強力推行是項政策,加重了教師的工作負擔,所以不受教師們的歡迎。 總結:如果想令到政府的這項政策得到語文教師的歡迎,政府必須有相應的措施有效地減輕受影響教師的工作壓力,因為是項政策的實施實際上加重了教師業已十分繁重工作量。 Background: Since 2000 Hong Kong government has pursued a new policy of Language Proficiency Requirement (LPR) and conducted Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers (LPAT). under witch all English/Putonghua teachers holding a permanent post in a public-sector schools or a local private primary/secondary day schools offering the full curriculum will not be allowed to teach English or Putonghua if he or she had not met the required language proficiency level by specific deadlines. This policy triggered off a heated debate from all sides of education circles in Hong Kong. Aims: This study aims to collect the general opinions and attitudes of Putonghua teachers towards this new government’s policy two year after the policy had been put into practice. Sample: Questionnaires were sent to 400 secondary schools and total of 177 questionnaires filled in by secondary school Putonghua subject chair teachers were collected. Method: Questionnaire survey was conducted and the written responses received from the respondents were tabulated. Results: This study found that the secondary school Putonghua teachers generally disliked the new policy of LPR which had been strongly carried out by the government, although the new policy was accepted as a necessary step for Putonghua teachers' professional development. Conclusion: To make the new policy favorably received by language teachers, the government needs to do something substantially to lessen the burden of affected teachers, because LPR, as well as LPAT, has actually become an additional burden upon language teachers, who has been already under heavy workloads,[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at http://www.hkta1934.org.hk/]
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 16831381
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/3fa4abf1
- 2010-12-02
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