- 從師生反饋的角度看韻文文本在香港非華語小學課堂教學中的應用成效:以《弟子規(選段)》為例
- The application effect of rhyme texts in the non-Chinese speaking primary school classes in Hong Kong from the perspective of teacher-student feedback: Take Dizigui (Experts) as an example
- 文化共融: 世界華語教學的策略與實踐
- 香港
- 紅出版(青森文化)
- 2023
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 中文
- 章節
- 9789888868117
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/380c49e8
- 2024-03-14
Barriers to entry as barriers to identity: Short stories of the struggles of ethnic minority English language teachers to enter teaching in Hong Kong章節
Creating pathways for cultural inclusion: Informal learning and teacher education in Hong Kong章節
A philosophical approach to teacher education章節
A study on social interactions among primary students in English vocabulary acquisition in a mobile learner-generated content learning environment章節
Teacher education in a postcolonial Hong Kong: Forms, drivers, influences, and agency章節
Melancholy in narratives of early career English teachers in Hong Kong章節
A corpus-based approach to learning and teaching Cantonese章節
Translanguaging and trans-semiotising in a public relations writing course: Exploring heteroglossic co-becoming in a higher education institute in Hong Kong章節