The relationship between stress and bullying among secondary school students
- The relationship between stress and bullying among secondary school students
- 中學生的壓力與欺凌行為的相關研究
- New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Association, 57(1), 33-42, 2009
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Teachers' Association
- 2009
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 中學教育
- Background: In Hong Kong, secondary school students face high levels of stress due to the examination oriented curricula. According to Sun (2006), some secondary school students cannot bear the pressure when facing the examinations, and some of them may exhibit destructive behaviors such as suicide and bullying. Therefore, cases of school bullying break out frequently (Ming Pao, 2003, 2004). Moreover, school alienation contributes to the risk of bullying while support from teachers and peers decreases one's tendency towards bullying (Natvig et al., 2001). Aims: The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between students' stress and bullying. Based on an insight into prevention of bullying in school, some applicable strategies to prevent students' academic and interpersonal stress will be suggested. Sample: Altogether 340 Fung Kai No. 1 Secondary School students, 200 boys and 140 girls, participated in the present study. Methods: Students completed and returned two questionnaires: the Subjective Stress Scale (Li and Ng, 1992) and the Bullying Checklist (Chui, 2001), in class. Results: The results show that girls felt more stressed than boys in the family, and they also exhibited more social bullying than boys did. Both interpersonal and personal stress are factors leading to bullying. Conclusion: In the present study, girls felt more stressed than boys in the family. They were eager to be more independent from the family. This arouses conflict between parents and daughter. It was found that Form 3 perceived higher levels of academic and personal stress than Form 1 students. It is understood that they were experiencing identity formation and making decisions on future study in art or science. Provision of a one-week orientation program for Form 1 students before the commencement of the school term is recommended. Finally, workshops for parents were introduced to enhance parent-child relationships and to help them communicate effectively with their children. 背景:香港學生面對沉重的考試壓力,在未能承受有關的壓力下而透過自毀或欺淩行為抒發不安的情緒。近年學校欺淩事件時有發生。研究發現老師及同儕的支持有助減少學童欺淩行為。 目的:探索壓力與欺淩行為的關係,並根據所得的結果建議如何預防壓力及欺淩行為的發生。 調查對象:340名就讀鳳溪第一中學的學生參與此項研究。當中包括200名男生及140名女生,全部就讀中一及中三年級。 調查方法:他們在班中填寫兩份有關壓力及欺淩行為的自陳式問卷。 調查結果:果發現女同學承受較大的家庭壓力,她們亦通常表現更多社會性欺淩,例如造謠、嘲笑侮辱他人、或孤立同學。另外,本研究顯示人際壓力及個人壓力最能引致欺淩行為的出現。 總結:學校可於入學前提供約一星期的中一新生適應課程,讓他們多瞭解有關中學生的生活,包括學習、人際關係、課堂的適應、遇上困難時如何求助等。建立家長支援中心提供講座及情緒支援,增強家校合作,讓家長、學校、學生三方面作有效的溝通。[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at http://www.hkta1934.org.hk/]
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 16831381
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/15812c9e
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