- 準漢語教師的漢語元語言意識
- 華語學刊, 18, 8-26, 2015
- 台灣華語文教學學會
- 2015
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 漢語師資培育課程設置「現代漢語」科是建基於漢語教師須具備漢語知識才能有效教授學生學習漢語的理念。筆者於2012年進行了「國際漢語教師元語言知識運用的個案研究」,分析受試者(修讀香港教育學院「國際漢語教學文學碩士課程」中「現代漢語」科的學生)在實習期間的教學實錄和反思紀錄,了解受試者能否有意識運用語言知識來教學,即探討「教師漢語元語言意識」的發展和所產生的作用。結果顯示現代漢語知識達中等水平的準教師在教學過程中運用漢語知識的意識不強。筆者因此反思漢語師資培育課程中「現代漢語」科的教學取向,於2012-2013年增加了「漢語知識在漢語教學上的運用」的小組專題報告和個人教學實習反思報告,以加強發展學生(準教師)的漢語元語言意識,提高他們運用漢語知識來加強教學成效的能力。本論文綜合分析30名學生(準教師)「現代漢語」科的學習成果,進一步探討純漢語知識學習和「教師漢語元語言意識」發展的關係,以及檢討師資培育課程中「現代漢語」科的教學策略運用。This article reflected on the traditional belief of the direct relationship between language knowledge learnt by the language teaches and their ability to teach language in the classroom. The notion of development of Teacher Metalinguistic Awareness, (hereby referred to as TMA), was discussed in the article. TMA was regarded as an important factor contributing to effective language teaching (Andrews, 1997; 1999; 2001; 2003; 2006; 2007). Assessment result of 30 students (pre-service teachers) of the Modern Chinese Course was thoroughly analyzed. The teaching strategy used in the Course was revisited based on the analysis of the assessment result. This finding would shed light on the continuous action research on the development of Teacher Metalinguistic Awareness through the teaching of Modern Chinese of a CSL Teacher Education Programme. Copyright © 2015 台灣華語文教學學會.
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 1996255X
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/1405b40a
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