Search for books, chapters, journal articles and reports.

Search Results: 171 - 180 of 1679
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  • 171. Building a professional spirit for the teaching force amidst reform initiatives
    By: Kwo, Ora
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Hong Kong Special Education Forum, 5, 1-12, 2002
    Year published: 2002
    Publisher: Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.
  • 172. Emerging issues of teaching and social justice in Greater China: Neoliberalism and critical pedagogy in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Policy Futures in Education, 16(6), 781-803, 2018
    Year published: 2018
    Publisher: SAGE Publications
  • 173. An exploratory study on collaborative modes of professional development and learning for teachers of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Support for Learning, 33(2), 142-164, 2018
    Year published: 2018
    Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • 174. 香港中文準教師沉浸課程的普通話學習成效
    By: 周立
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 國際中文教育學報, 3, 61-83, 2018
    Year published: 2018
    Publisher: 香港教育大學
  • 175. IT-assisted music composition education in Hong Kong primary schools: Recommendations for curriculum design and teacher professional development
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 2014
    City published: Saarbrücken, Deutschland
    Publisher: Scholar's Press
  • 176. What pedagogies do preservice teachers adopt in integration of social media in teaching?
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: 9th International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (ICTEL) (2018: Avani Pattaya Resort & Spa, Pattaya, Thailand)
  • 177. Linking teacher education with equity education: The case of the Education University of Hong Kong
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: WERA Focal Meeting & HKERA International Conference 2017 (WERA-HKERA 2017): Innovation, Reform and Education Change in a Contemporary World (2017: The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
  • 178. Reflective learning and identity construction in practice, discourse and activity: Experiences of pre-service language teachers in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Teaching and Teacher Education, 74, 205-214, 2018
    Year published: 2018
    Publisher: Pergamon Press
  • 179. Equity and ethnicity in Hong Kong: Implications for teacher education
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2013
    Publisher: International Society for Teacher Education
  • 180. Developing early career teachers' leadership through teacher learning
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2017
    Publisher: Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management

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