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Search Results: 41 - 50 of 208
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  • 41. Could a community model work for Hong Kong secondary schools?: Evidence and challenges
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: The 25th International Congress for School Effectiveness Improvement (ICSEI 2012) (2012: Malmö University, Malmo, Sweden)
  • 42. Business education in Hong Kong secondary schools: Past and future
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2008
    Publisher: International Vocational Education and Training Association
  • 43. Secondary business education in Hong Kong: Teachers' conceptions of students' competence
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2006
    Publisher: International Vocational Education and Training Association
  • 44. Massification without equalisation: The politics of higher education, graduate employment and social mobility in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2015
    Publisher: Routledge
  • 45. 香港現時是否適宜推行中學小班教學﹖
    By: 陳錦榮
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 7-10
    Year published: 2013
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港教育學院小班教學中心
  • 46. 香港中學小班化教學的現狀和展望
    By: 章月鳳
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 11-18
    Year published: 2013
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港教育學院小班教學中心
  • 47. Civic education in Hong Kong: A case study of the implementation of civic education in a secondary school
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 1998
    Conference: International Multicultural Conferences: Preparing Together for the 21 st Century (1998: Edmonton, Alberta)
  • 48. The cultural conflicts and dilemma of implementing a task-based learning English language syllabus in Hong Kong secondary schools
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2000
    Conference: 5th English in South East Asia Conference, Curtin University of Technology (2000: Perth, Western Australia)
  • 49. Managing task-based learning in Hong Kong secondary schools
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2007
    Conference: 32nd Annual Congress of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia: Making a Difference: Challenges for Applied Linguistics (2007: Wollongong, New South Wales)
  • 50. Developing an integrated approach to social education: A case study of two junior secondary schools in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 111-136
    Year published: 2008
    City published: Charlotte, NC
    Publisher: Information Age Publishing

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