Search for books, chapters, journal articles and reports.

Search Results: 8151 - 8160 of 8205
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  • 8151. 資訊科技教育與課程發展
    By: 江紹祥
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 161-183
    Year published: 2000
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: Hong Kong Institute of Education
  • 8152. 美術及設計科教研的個案發展與分享
    By: 蕭競聰
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: i-v
    Year published: 1999
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 8153. 兒童文學與語文教學
    By: 周蜜蜜
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 67-70
    Year published: 1992
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 政府印務局
  • 8154. 近幾年來的香港中學語文教學
    By: 郭全本
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 34-48
    Year published: 1992
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 政府印務局
  • 8155. 香港美術教育問題研究
    By: 林桂光
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 112-117
    Year published: 1994
    City published: 廣州
    Publisher: 嶺南美術出版社
  • 8156. A contextual analysis of the professional development needs of primary art teachers in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 161-176
    Year published: 1999
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港美術教育協會
  • 8157. 「校長為本」的小學美術教育
    By: 黃素蘭
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 149-160
    Year published: 1999
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港美術教育協會
  • 8158. 糾正中學生對攝影的誤解
    By: 蔡毅明
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 35-44
    Year published: 1999
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 8159. 香港中學生研究舊物的新角度
    By: 周慧茵
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 12-19
    Year published: 1999
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 8160. 高小美術課程應用電腦輔助教學之初探
    By: 姚麗娥
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 45-58
    Year published: 1999
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港美術教育協會

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