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  • 31. How academic leaders facilitate knowledge sharing: A case of universities in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2020
    Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
  • 32. Influence of professional cultures and principal leadership effects on early-career teacher leadership development in Hong Kong schools
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2020
    Publisher: Routledge
  • 33. How do principals' practices reflect democratic leadership for inclusion in diverse school settings? A Hong Kong case study
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2020
    Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • 34. 粵港澳大灣區教育和人才合作機制研究
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 江漢大學學報(社會科學版), 2019(6), 30-44&119, 2019
    Year published: 2019
    Publisher: 江漢大學
  • 35. 粵港澳大灣區建設進程中大學創新人才培養的思考與探索
    By: 章熙春
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 高等工程教育研究, 2019(1), 99-102, 2019
    Year published: 2019
    Publisher: 華中科技大學
  • 36. 建設粵港澳大灣區高等教育樞紐吸引國內外優質人才
    By: 卓澤林
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 現代教育論叢, 2019(1), 17-20, 2019
    Year published: 2019
    Publisher: 廣東省教育科學研究所
  • 37. Conditions that support middle leaders’ work in organisational and system leadership: Hong Kong case studies
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: School Leadership & Management, 39(5), 415-433, 2019
    Year published: 2019
    Publisher: Routledge
  • 38. Leaders of learning: Middle leader-led professional learning communities in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China
    Document Type: Dissertation Theses
    Year published: 2019
  • 39. 香港小學副校長人事管理的進修需要
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 香港教師中心學報, 18, 131-143, 2019
    Year published: 2019
    Publisher: 香港教師中心
  • 40. 「優質學校改進計劃」在香港教育改革下的作用:學校領導的視角
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 教育學報, 39(1), 39-65, 2011
    Year published: 2011
    Publisher: 香港中文大學敎育學院

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