Search for books, chapters, journal articles and reports.

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  • 1. Evaluation of hybrid learning and teaching practices: The perspective of academics
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Sustainability, 15(8), 2023
    Year published: 2023
    Publisher: MDPI
  • 2. How classroom management and instructional clarity relate to students' academic emotions in Hong Kong and England: A multi-group analysis based on the control-value theory
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Learning and Individual Differences, 98(0), -, 2022
    Year published: 2022
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • 3. 失控教室 : 教室管理心法與技巧
    By: 陳漢森
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 2003
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港教育圖書公司
  • 4. Differences in pedagogical understanding among student-teachers in a four-year initial teacher education programme
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20(2), 152-169, 2014
    Year published: 2014
    Publisher: Routledge
  • 6. Increasing on-task behaviour in preschool children in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Dissertation Theses
    Year published: 1997
  • 7. 課室管理 : 建立常規, 獎賞有方, 懲罰有道
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 2001
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 教育評議會 : 香港理工大學應用社會科學系
  • 8. Classroom management
    Document Type: Books
    Year published: 1992
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: Longman Group (Far East) Ltd
  • 9. A behavioural approach to classroom management at secondary level
    Document Type: Dissertation Theses
    Year published: 1993

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