教育學院學生大埔區青少年補習班調查報告 = A survey report on the academic enhancement programme by HKIEd students for youths in Tai Po
- 教育學院學生大埔區青少年補習班調查報告 = A survey report on the academic enhancement programme by HKIEd students for youths in Tai Po
- A survey report on the academic enhancement programme by HKIEd students for youths in Tai Po
- 香港
- 香港教育學院
- 2000
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education
- 本補習班及調查承蒙香港青年事務委員會《青年社區服務資助計劃》及香港教育學院特別計劃基金 (Special Project Fund) 資助全部經費
- Chinese
- Reports
- 2010-10-21
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