- 中學音樂科課程(中一至中三):問卷調查綜合簡報
- 香港
- 教育署課程發展處
- 1998
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- " ... 課程發展議會中學音樂科科目委員會於一九九八年二月向全港中學發出意見調查問卷 … 然後由課程發展處音樂科撰寫這份綜合簡報 ... "--Pref.
- Chinese
- Reports
- 2010-09-07
Recent Reports
A study on the life experience of HKIEd undergraduate studentsReports
Profile of the teaching profession in Hong Kong in the 1990sReports
Consultancy study on the effectiveness of graduate teachers in public-sector primary schools: Final reportReports
A survey on the further study plans of CE(P) final year studentsReports
Research report: Teachers' perceptions of the new academic structure for senior secondary educationReports