Conference Papers
Teacher intention and behaviour in communicating with parents
- Teacher intention and behaviour in communicating with parents
- 1998
- European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 1998 (1998: Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- Teacher attitudes and practices have been considered as essential in bringing about parent involvement in school education. In Hong Kong, among various home-school links, teacher-parent communication about children's learning has been agreed as the primary concern of both schools and parents. This study looks at the intentions and practices of the communication of primary school teachers with parents. It attempts to identify variables which can predict the effectiveness of such communication. A model which has taken into account the theory of planned behaviour, self-efficacy theory, expectancy theory and role theory has been proposed. Scales for measuring the variables and constructs involved have been developed. Path analyses linking the variables in a conceptual model have been conducted. Results show that a number of variables, such as "the teacher's commitment towards teaching", "personal teaching efficacy", "teacher efficacy in working parents" and "teacher's sense of shared responsibility with parents" have predictive power for teacher's intention and practices. The significance of these findings for enhancing teacher-parent communication is discussed.
- Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 1998
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2015-10-08
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