Journal Articles
- 香港中小學科學課程之未來發展與特色
- Future development and characteristics of science curricula in Hong Kong secondary and primary schools
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (39), 27-36, 1998
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 1998
- Hong Kong
- 1990-1997.6
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education
- 本文目的是探討本港中小學科學課程在現階段和朝向廿一世紀的發展。世界科學教育的主要潮流是甚麼?是否有普世性的新方向?若有的話,香港能否作出相應的配合呢? 香港現時經已開展數項科學課程的革新。小學方面:於1996年實施了嶄新的常識科課程,它把社會、科學、健教三科綜合為一,而在科學部份則強調「科學、技術與社會」的關係和有關環境的課題。中學方面:新的初中綜合科學課程將於公元二千年實施,強調科學的探討,藉以發展學生在科學探究技巧上的能力,亦有考慮到小學與中學科學課程的銜接;高中科學課程在日後修訂時,探討性課題(包括科技對社會及環境的影響並科學探究技巧)亦將會成為重點。另一重點乃是資訊科技發展,現時香港政府正全力向中小學推廣。 This paper intends to look at what is happening and what will happen in the Hong Kong primary and secondary science curricula from now to the years beyond 2000. What are the major trends in the world about science education? Are there any new global directions? If yes, is Hong Kong ready for the change? There are several innovative curriculum projects being initiated in Hong Kong. In primary education, a new General Studies (GS) curriculum has been implemented in 1996, emphasizing on the integration of 3 primary subjects: Science, Social Studies and Health Education. In the science component of GS, more emphases have been placed on the inter-relationship between STS as well as issues concerning our environment. In secondary education, a new Integrated Science syllabus has been developed recently for implementation in the year 2000, placing strong emphasis on science investigative work which develops students' proficiencies in science process skills, and paying due respect to vertical integration between GS and IS. In other science subjects at higher levels, investigative work involving process skills and studies on the impact of Science and technology on society and environment constitute significant elements in the future revised curricula. Another hot topic is Information Technology Education, currently the Hong Kong Government is in full swing to promote it to secondary and primary schools.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-07
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