Journal Articles
- 受訓中幼兒教師對「學習檔案」的認識和意見之初探
- The Uunderstanding and comments of teachers-being-trained on the use of children portfolios at kindergartens
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, 57(1), 58-66, 2009
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2009
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Pre-Primary Education
- 背景: 香港課程發展議會2006年發布的《學前教育課程指引》提出採用「學習歷程檔案」,幫助記錄幼兒的學習與發展過程。有見及此,本研究遂致力探討幼師對它的認識和意見,從而提出優化推行幼兒學習檔案的建議。 目的:本研究先探討幼師認為為幼兒建立「幼兒學習檔案」的目的,然後探討他們對為幼兒建立「幼兒學習檔案」的意見。 調查對象:研究對像是香港幼稚園教師,研究樣本選取自2006-2007年度,修讀香港教育學院舉辦的幼稚園証書課程的學員。 調查方法:本研究採用定量研究和定性研究兩種調查方式。定量研究是採用問卷調查方法,共派發了一百四十份問卷,收回一百二十一份,回收率達百分之八十六。定性研究方法是採用與教師面談方式,訪問十位元教師,他們來自不同的學校,教齡在五年以上。 調查結果:幼師明白學習檔案的目的是作記錄和評估幼兒的學習,但是卻忽略了記錄幼兒學習情況背後的意義:幫助幼師瞭解和分析幼兒的需要,從而調適教學策略。幼師認為為幼兒建立學習檔案對家長,幼師和幼兒三方面都有裨益,但同時很多幼師認為要為幼兒建立學習檔案是很有壓力,例如他們缺乏時間記錄幼兒的學習,也要用大量時間來填寫評語,他們難在課堂中兼顧教學、觀察、記錄和評估幼兒學習的情況,他們對如何觀察和評估幼兒學習也欠信心。 總結:本研究發現大部分幼師都認同幼兒學習檔案的作用,但在幫助幼兒建立檔案的過程中卻遇到不少困難和壓力。要成功在幼稚園推行學習檔案,必須要加強幼師專業培訓、配合適當的教育政策、增加學校和家長對幼師的支援。本研究有其局限性,由於研究對象全是修讀幼稚園証書課程的學員,研究的發現因此不夠全面。 Background: According to Hong Kong Pre-education Guideline pressed in 2006, the use of children portfolios has been introduced in Hong Kong kindergartens. Thus, this study helps to explore Hong Kong teachers' understanding and comments on the use of children portfolios. It is suggested how to better use children portfolios at kindergartens. Aims: Firstly, it is to explore teachers' understanding of the aims of using portfolios at kindergartens. Secondly, it is to find out teachers' comments on helping children to develop the portfolios. Sample: The sample was chosen from the in-service kindergarten teachers who were enrolled in the teacher certificate course offered at Hong Kong Institute of Education during the academic year 2006-2007. They were qualified and experienced teachers. Method: The study employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, with data being collected through questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were sent to 140 in-service kindergarten teachers and 121 returned the questionnaires, the return rate is 86%. A total of ten teachers were interviewed, all are experienced teachers with at least five years of teaching. Results: Most teachers have the basic understanding of the use of children portfolios--to document and assess children's learning. However, they neglect the in-depth understanding such as to analyse the children learning artefacts and make use of portfolio to enhance children learning. Finding also indicates that many teachers agree that helping children to develop portfolios have benefits on parents, teachers and children, however, they feel stress because of the inadequate time to document children's work, they do not know how to write the comments and they are lack of confidence when they observe and evaluate children's learning. Conclusion: Many kindergarten teachers agree that the aims of children's portfolios, but they encounter problems in the helping children to develop the portfolio and most of them feel stress. However, it is suggested that with the support of the government policy, teacher education programs, schools and parents, such problems may be solved. This study also has its limitation. The research participants were only kindergarten teachers taking the certificate course and this inevitably places restrictions on the generalizability of the findings.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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