Conference Papers
Interdisciplinary approach to teaching Chinese as a foreign language: A case study
- Interdisciplinary approach to teaching Chinese as a foreign language: A case study
- The Eighth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (2023: Swarthmore College, United States)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- Interdisciplinary collaboration is one important development direction in Chinese teaching and teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Against the background, in 2018-19, the Department of Chinese Language Studies of the Education University of Hong Kong, together with the Department of Science and Environmental Studies, Department of Psychology, designed a course -- named "STEM and its Application on Language Acquisition and Communication" --for learning Chinese Language through STEM elements combined with psychological theories. The author is one of the three designers of this course. The students who take this course are mostly prospective teachers of Teaching Chinese as a foreign language and Chinese Language. This interdisciplinary course offers participants the opportunities to understand and experience the major approaches in STEM, namely scientific inquiry and engineering design cycle, in solving cross-disciplinary problems in language acquisition and communication. Through the course, participants first identify a problem related to language acquisition and communication, then develop a solution by applying scientific inquiry and engineering design cycle, and finally reflect on the impacts, feasibility, cultural and socio-economic implications of the problem and the proposed solution using an interdisciplinary approach. Participants are required to disseminate their ideas, findings or products to experts in different areas, and are thus encouraged to integrate discipline-based knowledge in problem identification, solution development, dissemination and reflection, facilitating analyses from multi-disciplinary perspectives. Based on the theory of interdisciplinary language learning, this report aims to analyze the learning and teaching achievements of students and teachers in this course, as well as the problems encountered, and discuss the future development of the course. Copyright © 2023 The Eighth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.
- Paper presented at The Eighth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Swarthmore College, United States.
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2023-09-19
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