
搜尋結果: 顯示第 21-24 筆資料 (共 24 筆)
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  • 21. Attitudes towards English and Cantonese among Hong Kong Chinese university lecturers
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: TESOL Quarterly, 32(2), 201-231, 1998
    出版年: 1998
    出版者: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • 22. Assessing visual-spatial talents: The use of the Impossible Figures Task with Chinese students in Hong Kong
    作者: Chan, David W.
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: High Ability Studies, 19(2), 173-187, 2008
    出版年: 2008
    出版者: Routledge
  • 23. Assessment purposes and procedures in ESL/EFL classrooms
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 33(1), 9-32, 2008
    出版年: 2008
    出版者: Routledge
  • 24. Awareness of the backwash effect of assessment: A phenomenographic study of the views of Hong Kong and Swedish lectures
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Instructional Science, 33(4), 283-309, 2005
    出版年: 2005
    出版者: Springer Science & Business Media B.V.

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