The article describes the "Top-Teen Program" This is a short, intensive, residential program which aims to change the self image and improve the self confidence of underachieving and poorly motivated students - popularly known as "band-5" students. The program is based on known therapeutic theories - particularly Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It focuses on the areas of ego-identity, self-mastery and self-esteem. All participants are given relevant psychological tests before participating and again afterwards. Statistical analysis of the results has consistently shown a significant improvement in all three areas after participating in the program. The authors argue that this indicates that it is possible to "re-motivate" students who had previously considered themselves as useless drop-outs.本文主要介紹「Top-Teen計劃」。「Top-Teen計劃」是一項短期密集式的住宿計劃,目的在於協助低成就及動力差的學生──「第五組別」學生 ,改善其自我形象及自信心。計劃的基礎來自治療性理論,特別是關注自我身份、自我管理力和自尊的「神經語言學」。所有參與者在參與計劃的前後都進行了心理測驗,統計結果一致顯示,完成計劃的參與者在上述三個範疇中的表現都有顯著的改善。因此,從前認為自己「無用」的輟學者,是有可能能被「從新推動」的。[Copyright of Journal of Youth Studies is the property of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups at]