
搜尋結果: 顯示第 1-8 筆資料 (共 8 筆)
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  • 1. Measuring health-related quality of life (SF-36) among Chinese caregivers in preschool settings in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2010
    會議: 17th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (2010: London, England)
  • 2. The association of parental feeding and child eating behavior with young children BMI in preschool settings in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 會議論文
    會議: The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior 2012 Annual Conference Proceedings: 45th Annual Conference, Nutrition Education: Energy from Synergy (2012: Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC)
  • 3. The health concepts of preschool teachers in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    出版年: 2005
    出版者: Routledge
  • 4. Issues of preschool parental education in Hong Kong in the 21st Century
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 5(2), 257-263, 2004
    出版年: 2004
    出版者: Symposium Journals
  • 5. Parents, teachers and students' perceptions of health: Implementation for health education and promotion to the early childhood education in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2002
    會議: Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) 3rd Conference: ECE in Cultural Contexts (2002: East China Normal University, Shanghai, China)
  • 6. Online learning, collaboration and learning-oriented assessment: Four cases focusing on teacher-education
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2005
    會議: The First International Conference on Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Assessment (2005: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
  • 7. Problem-based on-line learning in family health and child studies: The Hong Kong experience
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2006
    會議: 1st Nurse Education International Conference: Developing Collaborative Practice in Health and Social Care Education (2006: Vancouver, Canada)
  • 8. Problem-based learning and childcare: The Hong Kong experience
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2004
    會議: 4th Biennial Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association on Problem-based Learning in the Health Sciences (APA-PHS) (2004: Manila, the Philippines)

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