- 提升小四學生高層次閱讀能力:閱讀策略教學的實施及其成效
- To promote higher level reading abilities: The implementation of reading strategy instruction and its effect
- 國際中文教育學報, 8, 127-153, 2020
- 香港教育大學中國語言學系
- 2020
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 小學教育
- 培養學生高層次閱讀能力,是當前閱讀教學的重要目標,對於小學四年級學生而言尤爲重要,因他們將從「學會閱讀」進入「從閱讀中學習」的階段。過往有不少閱讀策略教學研究,但較少研究聚焦於分析它對提升學生高層次閱讀能力的作用。本研究邀請六所香港本地小學參與研究,在四年級開展教學實驗,實驗班193人,控制班196人,總計389人。實驗班一年中學習六項閱讀策略,控制班無特別安排。對比閱讀前後測結果發現,實驗班成績較控制班進步顯著更大,說明閱讀策略教學可顯著地提升學生高層次閱讀能力。然而,研究也發現,實驗班學生只有在「選取語句」「聯繫經驗」「自提問題」三項策略的應用上有顯著改進。教師教學中出現的一些困難需採取措施加以克服,這凸顯閱讀策略教學成效的複雜性。研究結果可爲將來閱讀教學設計、教師專業發展提供參考。It has long been recognized an important target to develop primary students’ higher-level reading abilities, which is especially true for primary 4 students as they are experiencing the transition from “learn to read” to “read to learn”. Although a large abundant of research have been done on reading strategy, fewer research have focused on its effect on higher level ability. This study has invited six local primary schools to attend a quasi-experiment. Participants were a total of 389 primary 4 students from these schools. Among them, 193 students were classified to experimental classes for which a one-year long intervention of reading strategy instruction was provided, while the remaining 196 students were classified to controlled classes without special arrangement. The results showed that experimental students gained significant higher improvement in reading comprehension performance compared to their controlled counterparts, indicating the positive effect of reading strategy on developing students’ higher-level ability. However, it has also been found that only three out of six taught reading strategy were applied more frequently than before, i.e., selecting sentences, integrating prior experience and self-questioning. Besides, teachers’ concerns were also raised. These suggested the complexity in teaching reading strategy. Nevertheless, findings of this study could be referred to when planning lessons and designing teacher professional development programs in further study. Copyright © 2020 香港教育大學中國語言學系、哥倫比亞大學中文部、中華書局(香港)有限公司.
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 25207733
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/e034ed7c
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