- 「閱讀促進寫作」中文第二語言教學法研究:提升香港非華語學生實用文閱讀與寫作能力
- 教育學報, 46(1), 165-182, 2018
- 香港中文大學敎育學院
- 2018
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 閱讀與寫作都和文本有關,可通過文類教學聯結從閱讀到寫作的教學。實用文是教材與評估中的主要文類之一,本研究採用「閱讀促進寫作」文類教學法進行實用文的讀寫教學實踐。此教學法以系統功能語言學為基礎,形成從閱讀到寫作的完整教學設計,已證實在英文寫作教學領域有正面效果,但在中文教學及閱讀的應用仍處於發展階段。本研究進一步設計相應的閱讀理解評量表,以香港非華語學生為對象,通過前、後測及訪談等研究工具,收集量化及質性數據。研究結果顯示,「閱讀促進寫作」教學法能提升中文第二語言學習者的閱讀表現達5.9倍,寫作表現進步達1.4倍,且實驗班的讀寫進步幅度均顯著優於對照班,證明此教學法能大幅提升讀寫表現,可進一步推廣及融入於課程設計。Reading and writing are key components of literacy education, while genre pedagogy can be implemented to connect the teaching from reading to writing. Practical text is one of the main genre in teaching materials and assessment. Relevant pedagogy and research should be conducted to provide second language learners the knowledge about genre, context, and function of language about practical writing. Based on the theories of systemic functional linguistics, the “reading to learn, learning to write” (RLLW) pedagogy has demonstrated positive effect of improving English learners’ reading and writing competency. For further development of genre pedagogy in different languages, there is a need to investigate the effect and feasibility of applying RLLW in teaching languages other than English. This article reports on its effect on Chinese as second language education through mixed-method case study research. It proved that RLLW can improve non-Chinese speaking students’ reading performance by 5.9 times and writing performance by 1.4 times higher than pre-test, while both significantly better than the control group. Research findings proved the positive effect of RLLW pedagogy and its potential to be implemented in curriculum. Copyright © 2018 香港中文大學.
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 10251936
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/da049c91
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